
Elementary JavaScript – Programming for Elementary and Middle School Kids eBook

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Elementary JavaScript ‘ Programming for Elementary and Middle School Kids is designed to introduce anyone 10 years and up to the basics of programming. Follow along as you learn the basic concepts of programming while building parts of a game.


Elementary JavaScript – Programming for Elementary and Middle School Kids is designed to introduce anyone 10 years and up to programming. Follow along as you learn the basic concepts of programming while building parts of a game.

By the end of this book, you will have learned the basics of programming and built a Pokémon card game at the same time.

This book is based on Sidd’s experience teaching his son programming and he thinks anyone can enjoy the unlimited possibilities from knowing how to code. Code opens the doors to all kinds of fun projects. Imagine being able to make the games you play!

This book will teach you how to think in code, write code that is easy to understand, work with friends on code projects and also what to do once your project is complete.

You will be introduced to the latest additions to the JavaScript language that make programming simpler, more efficient and less complicated.

This book contains over a 100 screenshots showing every concept and every step in action. All the code in the book is beautifully syntax highlighted including showing all the additions (diff highlighting) made while working on the game to make learning easier.

The code is fully tested in Chrome, Firefox and Edge. All the code is available online on GitHub. Not only is the code well commented, it is built up step by step and it teaches good organization and commenting practices that will make the code easier to use and read.

Author Siddharth Dala

Reviews for Elementary JavaScript – Programming for Elementary and Middle School Kids

Elementary JavaScript is a wonderful introduction to coding that is suitable for both kids (middle-school aged and up) and adults. The author’s text is warm and conversational, and keeps tech jargon to a minimum. The objective of the book is to teach the reader how to build an application ‘ in this case, a Pokémon card game ‘ in JavaScript, that can then be played by others via their web browsers. It takes the reader through every step necessary to get this application out the door, and does so with large, fully syntax-highlighted (i.e., color) code samples. If you’re reading this and you program in some capacity, you are aware of how much more readable code is when properly highlighted. For kids, this can make an enormous difference as it helps them visually differentiate the familiar or repetitive structures within code examples.  Conceptually, the book starts with the basics – where to get a code editor, how to run your first program, etc. As it progresses, layers of complexity are carefully added, with the author providing ample explanation at each critical step. He spends as much time explaining how to logically deconstruct the various problems as he does explaining actual syntax of Javascript ‘ this is important, because it’s understanding how to think about solving a problem with code that transcends the idiosyncrasies of any individual language. The book succeeds on this front, and as such, I highly recommend it.

– Peter T


Remember when your kid was just old enough to walk and you would take a walk with them. This book is an extension of that idea. Your kid is old enough to code and you code with them. This book is a gentle introduction to Javascript and both you and your kid will learn something. (I had no idea that skype and other applications I use were built in JS.)
Families that learn together stick together, so make it a family affair as this book is suitable for both kids and adults.
Sid has a nice conversational style — no “hello world” but more kid appropriate “poop stinks.” HA HA.
My 9 yo and I have finished first 4 chapters and absolutely love this book. Gamification is a powerful tool in learning and this is what Sid uses to help you (read: your family) build a Pokemon game. Once built the whole family can play! Highly recommended.

– Himanshu G

I purchased this book for myself and my daughter. I am not computer/tech savvy (over 50 years of age ) and want to teach my old brain some new tricks. More importantly, I want my daughter to learn basic programming as the world we live in is becoming more and more dominated by computers and people’s ability to program them. So far I have to say that it is written in a manner that all ages can learn, understand and enjoy while learning to code.

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