Building a robust secular, eclectic, academic community is an important part of SEA Homeschoolers. Homeschooling focuses on the individual child and their unique learning styles and abilities. Because of that, homeschoolers need a forum where they can discuss homeschooling. For SEA Homeschoolers, those forums are run through Facebook. It started with our main academic group, Secular Eclectic Academic (SEA) Homeschoolers, and has now grown to include 6 subgroups and the SEA Homeschoolers Page.
SEA Homeschoolers Main Group is where we share ideas, resources, interesting articles from around the web, have conversations about eclectic academics, ask questions about homeschooling, and discuss curriculum and learning. This group is gregarious, and friendly. We stay strictly on academic issues in this group. SEA Homeschoolers main group is exclusively secular and inclusively welcoming. You must be a member of the main group to join the other closed groups.
SEA Homeschoolers Chat is a subgroup where we share, support, and discuss our lives outside of homeschooling. One of the things we pride ourselves on at SEA Homeschoolers is being nice to the members of our community. We believe that our differences are our strength. We celebrate those. Because of that we treat the fellow members of our community as the valuable members they are. SEA Chat formed because members in our main group wanted this sort of nice dialogue in a group that wasn’t restricted to academics. SEA Homeschoolers Chat:
SEA Preschool group (birth – 1st grade) is our subgroup focusing on children from birth through first grade, following their natural curiosity and instilling a love of learning can be so much fun.
SEA Learning Challenges/Special Needs is a subgroup where parents can ask questions and find advice and resources specific to their child’s challenges homeschool related and not.
SEA Gifted/2e is a subgroup for parents homeschooling gifted and twice exceptional students. Twice exceptional kids are gifted and have a learning challenge or special needs. The asynchronous development of gifted and 2e students present its own set of challenges and rewards and is often a factor in why these parents choose to homeschool.
Secular, Eclectic, Vegan Homeschoolers is both a support group and recipe sharing group for our vegan members.
SEA LGBTQ is a discussion and support group for LGBTQ homeschooling parents or those with LGBTQ students.
We also have a public Facebook page, SEA Homeschoolers news from around the web, that you can follow so awesome content like the latest SEA news, links to great online resources, and interesting educational articles shared from around the web will show up via SEA right in your Facebook news feed.