Deficits and Learning Challenges….Attentive, Cognitive and Theoretical Description
One of the greatest advantages of home education is the ability to tailor a course of learning to each student’s special needs. We have gotten very good at giving names to difficulties children face, but does our approach and understanding of learning challenges truly make sense? Having raised two children with learning challenges, it has become clearer to me how wrongly we looked at child rearing when I was a child and how we are still wrong, just in a different way, now. This discussion is meant to give encouragement to parents of children with challenges, to inspire parent educators to look at their children’s struggles in new ways and by so doing, create both a more harmonious and more successful home education experience.
Tom’s Bio
Thomas Morrow is President of Wave 3 Learning, Inc. He has been involved with the Home Education community since 1999 and the Home Education curriculum community for 12 years. He is a specialist in Linguistics who speaks, reads and writes three languages. His passion is for children’s acquisition of language, especially orthography, vocabulary and usage.
You can connect with me through my Website. Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, and twitter.
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