SEA Homeschooling Featured In National Publications
Read About Us in Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes, The Atlantic, Entrepreneur, & More!
SEA Homeschoolers Featured In National Publications: Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes, WebMD, and the Atlantic have interviewed and featured SEA Homeschoolers.
America’s Culture Wars Have Liberal Parents Opting for Homeschooling – Bloomberg Businessweek
In states where conservatives have overhauled curricula, parents on the other side of the political spectrum are taking their kids out of school—dealing yet another deep blow to public education.

Learner-Centered Homeschooling: SEA founder’s Homeschool Journey – Outschool Blog
The founder of Secular, Eclectic, Academic Homeschoolers shares why she homeschooled and why she’s passionate about learner-centered education.

The Silver Lining Of Crisis Schooling: Homeschooling Has Lessons For Families And Educators – Forbes
Forbes takes a close look at how homeschooling during the pandemic has shifted our view of education. Remote education has been a stressor for parents, students, and educators, and some have chosen to transition to homeschooling instead. SEA Homeschoolers is mentioned as a resource for academic homeschoolers looking for secular homeschooling curriculum.

Home Schooling: Pros, Cons, What You Need to Know – WebMD
In this broad overview of homeschooling from WebMD, founder Blair Lee was interviewed and asked the question “What is Homeschooling?” She answered: “At its hard, homeschooling is education with a focus on the individual.” See more of Lee’s interview as well as general information about homeschooling.

Homeschooling Without God – The Atlantic
This article in The Atlantic is an in-depth look at the challenges of finding secular homeschooling curriculum. Religious families “make up more than two-thirds” of homeschooled kids in the U.S. and many parents struggle to find homeschooling materials that meet their needs. This gap in secular homeschooling material is what inspired us to start SEA Homeschoolers, and Blair Lee is interviewed about our community and personal homeschooling experience. Learn more about individual families navigating secular homeschooling.

How One Homeschooling Professional Has Leaned Into the Era of Remote Learning – Entrepreneur
SEA Online Classes co-founder Michelle Parinello-Cason is interviewed in Entrepreneur about how the coronavirus pandemic has escalated the need for secular homeschooling curriculum During the pandemic, many more families have switched to homeschooling, and Parinello-Caso discusses how SEA has adjusted to that growth, such as offering classes via SEA Online. Learn more about the business side of SEA as well as insights into how the pandemic has affected homeschooling!

Join The SEA Homeschooling Community!
We are a diverse, international community of secular homeschoolers and our goal is to provide you with the resources you need to create an education handcrafted to your child’s unique strengths, passions, and weakness. Join the 100,000+ families in our community today!
Want more like this? Check out the SEA Homeschoolers Magazine and SEA Homeschoolers Online Conference Series.
New to Homeschooling? Check out our How to Homeschool 101 Article.
Want to know what SEA Homeschoolers is about? The SEA Homeschoolers Team collaborated on a list of 27 WE BELIEVE statements so you would know the answer!
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