As a follow-up to the talk I gave at the SEA Homeschoolers Convention 2018, “Playing School: Bridging Play and Education for Academically-Minded Preschoolers and Kindergarteners,” I would...
5 Reading Comprehension Activities (That Aren’t Book Reports)
Reading Comprehension Activities One of the great perks of homeschooling is that we have more flexibility in how we structure (or, often, don’t structure) our class time. Since we’re working in very...
Secular Homeschool Recommended Book List
On any given day you will find multiple conversations focused on books in our online community. Rich discussions of authors and subject matter, innovative ideas for related lessons, and always a...
The Importance of Reading Aloud
The Importance of Reading Aloud Reading aloud to your children is so important. I cannot stress that enough. It may be one of the most important things you do for them, educationally speaking. Most...
Sarah Cook: Blogging, Youtubing, Bibliophile!
Sarah Cook: Blogging, Youtubing, Bibliophile! Sarah Cook is homeschooling teen who is a talented Youtuber and Blogger. She is the perfect homeschooler to feature this month, because she is also a...
Another Fun Game in Honor of Banned Book Week, 2016
Another Fun Game in Honor of Banned Book Week, 2016 Written by Kat Hutcheson Continuing our celebration of Banned Books Week, here is a fun little quiz to see if you can match the quote to the banned...
Living Books and How to Choose Them
Living Books and How to Choose Them What makes a book “living?” written by Emily Cook I should start out by explaining what I mean when I call a book “living.” I know you may be thinking...
Building the Habit of Reading Aloud
Building the Habit of Reading Aloud As a homeschooling parent, there are many things you do to make sure your child is getting the best possible education. You can research curriculum, create the...