Are you thinking about how to approach history in your homeschool? Particularly if you are just starting out, it can seem like there are too many choices. Should you start with American history, or...
Lecture Series on Teaching Evolution
Lecture Series on Teaching Evolution SEA Homeschoolers is partnering with the Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science (TIES), a division of the Richard Dawkins Foundation, to offer a series of...
The Art of Movie Magic (Secular Homeschool Unit Study)
The Art of Movie Magic A Secular Homeschool Unit Study Art can take many forms, and as a young secular homeschool parent it was easy to get caught in the “paint on a canvas” loop of art education;...
Secular Homeschooling & Environmental Activism
Deforestation! Climate change! Ocean acidification! Pollution! Endangered species extinction! The list of things to worry about in our environment seems endless and overwhelming. For a child...
The Responsible Homeschooler
It’s spring! Or almost spring, depending on where you live. As I write this, the spring peepers are chirping, undaunted by the recent snow. It’s a lovely time of budding trees, muddy puddles, and...
Teaching the Science of Climate Change to Middle Schoolers
Q & A on (Almost) Everything You Want to Know about Teaching the Science of Climate Change to Middle Schoolers* *don’t be afraid to ask! When I was asked to teach a course on the science...
Plant a Native Garden with Your Kids
By Kathy Oaks author of Homeschoolers Are Not Hermits. When we go to the gardening store or look at the seed and plant catalogs that arrive every spring, it can be hard to tell which plants are...