Our Year Studying Politics The next series of posts shares part of our journey while studying politics. It is political, because we studied politics. We are using the eclectic methodology called...
The Scientific Method: Defined, Applied, Learned
How did you learn the scientific method? If I were to ask you what the scientific method was, would you rattle off a series of terms? Would you say to me hypothesis, procedure, observations, data and...
Using RSO Biology 2 for High School Biology
Using RSO Biology 2 for High School Biology There is a planned level 3 book that will use the Level 2 book with added material in each chapter and in each unit. In the mean time, I am getting many...
Homeschooling a Special Needs Child
Homeschooling a Special Needs Child I am a huge advocate for families homeschooling their children with special needs. I believe schools are high stress, low engagement, and very punishing...
Handcrafting High School On the Road, Sinks Canyon, WY
Handcrafting High School On the Road, Sinks Canyon, WY Early in my relationship with Jim I had to establish a rule. We can only drive so far before stopping. Jim is one of those people who will drive...
Handcrafting High School: Year 2, Custer State Park
Handcrafting High School: Year 2, Custer State Park I think the year you study geology and environmental science, you should spend time outside looking at the subject of your studies, so we did. I...
Homeschooling the Twice-Exceptional Student – There Will Be Gaps and That’s OK
This young man is incredibly creative and he is twice-exceptional. He makes movies, writes stories, animates, composes, records original songs, and works on other creative endeavors all day long. He...
Handcrafting High School: Year 2, Month 1, Dinosaur National Park
Handcrafting High School: Year 2, Month 1 The first month of tenth grade might have been the best month we ever spent homeschooling. You might be thinking, “Well, Yeah! You were traveling and hanging...
Living Books and How to Choose Them
Living Books and How to Choose Them What makes a book “living?” written by Emily Cook I should start out by explaining what I mean when I call a book “living.” I know you may be thinking...