“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” Susan Sontag Travel is a big part of our homeschooling journey. When we can, we worldschool. When worldschooling we incorporate travel throughout our...
Developmentally Appropriate Kindergarten
Developmentally Appropriate Kindergarten If you are homeschooling kindergarten this year and have asked homeschooling friends what to do, you may feel you have only two options: An academic year full...
Our Kids Need Us To Teach
Our Kids Need Us To Teach by Farrar William As my kids have gotten older, they’ve naturally become more independent. For high school, some days they stalk off with their computers, online classes, and...
Advice for Joining Park Days
Advice for Joining Park Days Park days, kids running around playing with friends. You, sitting with other parents chatting about kids and homeschooling. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it! Get there...