It’s that time. Again. I’m culling my bookshelves. I’m sorting out the materials we used and the ones we never used. The weeks and months of searching endlessly for the right...
Our Journey Together
About 11 o’clock Friday night February 3, I got the call every parent with a teen aged driver dreads. My 17-year-old son had been in a car accident, and they were taking him to the hospital. He will...
Unschooling When You Can; Teach When You Must
By Kate Laird Kate Laird will be participating in SEA Homeschoolers’ School of Choice Week, 2017, airing from January 22 to 28, 2017. Kate’s podcast will air on January 25. Our school is...
A Homeschool Dad Tells About His Recent Service Project in Guatemala
A Homeschool Dad Tells About His Recent Service Project in Guatemala As some of you may know, service and volunteerism are part of our family’s philosophy. Blair, my wife and founder of SEA...
Love in a Time of Fear
Love in a Time of Fear Written by Jason Grooms As parents, our strongest emotions and greatest instincts all connect to our children in one way or another. We are proud of them greater than any pride...
Our Year Studying Politics
Our Year Studying Politics The next series of posts shares part of our journey while studying politics. It is political, because we studied politics. We are using the eclectic methodology called...
8 ways to connect with SEA Homeschoolers on Facebook
Building a robust secular, eclectic, academic community is an important part of SEA Homeschoolers. Homeschooling focuses on the individual child and their unique learning styles and abilities...
Using RSO Biology 2 for High School Biology
Using RSO Biology 2 for High School Biology There is a planned level 3 book that will use the Level 2 book with added material in each chapter and in each unit. In the mean time, I am getting many...
Introducing SEA Homeschoolers LGBTQ
Introducing SEA Homeschoolers LGBTQ Teaching social justice fosters compassion, tolerance, and respect for others. I hear from other homeschoolers that this is important to teach. I agree. For my 16...
Homeschooling a Special Needs Child
Homeschooling a Special Needs Child I am a huge advocate for families homeschooling their children with special needs. I believe schools are high stress, low engagement, and very punishing...