Handcrafting High School On the Road, Sinks Canyon, WY Early in my relationship with Jim I had to establish a rule. We can only drive so far before stopping. Jim is one of those people who will drive...
Handcrafting High School: Year 2, Custer State Park
Handcrafting High School: Year 2, Custer State Park I think the year you study geology and environmental science, you should spend time outside looking at the subject of your studies, so we did. I...
Homeschooling the Twice-Exceptional Student – There Will Be Gaps and That’s OK
This young man is incredibly creative and he is twice-exceptional. He makes movies, writes stories, animates, composes, records original songs, and works on other creative endeavors all day long. He...
Handcrafting High School: Year 2, Month 1, Dinosaur National Park
Handcrafting High School: Year 2, Month 1 The first month of tenth grade might have been the best month we ever spent homeschooling. You might be thinking, “Well, Yeah! You were traveling and hanging...
Handcrafting High School: Year 1, Month 9
Handcrafting High School: Year 1, Month 9 We school year round with lots of breaks. That doesn’t matter to a planner like me though. Every year I have a start date and an end date. The year-end date...
Interest-Led Learning: When Passion and Delight Inspire
Interest-Led Learning Happens when Passion Ignites Learning Much has been said about interest-led learning, but to us it simply means finding or creating as many learning opportunities and...
The Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA
The Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA The kids and I spent the some time recently at the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena. This is a wonderful, smaller museum that has many great works of art to see...
Making Our Own Eclectic Learning Brew
Making Our Own Eclectic Learning Brew At five years old, our son came up to me one day and said, “Mama, I love the taste of knowledge!” I knew from then on that our learning adventure would be an...
The Charlotte Mason Method in the Secular Homeschool
“I am, I can, I ought, I will.”* If you’ve been homeschooling for any amount of time, chances are you’ve heard the name Charlotte Mason. She has made quite a name for herself in the modern homeschool...
The Homeschool History Project: American Government
The Home School History Project: American Government “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana I interpret this quote to mean that through studying history...