Homeschooling & Mental Wellness

secular homeschool convention School Choice Week 2018: Homeschooling & Mental Wellness

Homeschooling & Mental Wellness

Mary Herrington, and her daughter Lyz, talk about their real-life journey of homeschooling with a teen who suffers from bipolar, anxiety and depression. Mary wrote a book that focuses on achieving mental wellness, From Stressed to Best, which is a best seller on Amazon and was also reviewed by Pat Feranga on The talk covers important topics most are uncomfortable discussing: bullying, suicide attempts, anorexia, and self-harm. This talk is not appropriate for young children, but teens and parents will benefit from the real-life, in-depth discussion.

Achieving Mental Wellness


Mary’s Bio

Mary and Lyz travel across the United States speaking at different homeschooling conferences with the goal of educating and enlightening teens and their parents to the reality of the damage bullying does, especially with a child who suffers from anxiety and/or depression. Their story is one of heartbreak and triumph.


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