Dayla Learning

Dayla Learning

Vendor Showcase with Give-Away
Thursday, July 25th
3:00-3:30pm EST

Dayla Learning is run by Michelle Parrinello-Cason who uses her Ph.D. in rhetoric and composition, experience as a college English professor, and perspective as a homeschooling mom to create curriculum that is designed to empower, encourage, and engage readers and writers. Michelle believes that a well-rounded education requires a central focus on the humanities as it gives learners a basis and way to connect all of their other learning. She teaches writing, literature, cultural studies, and philosophy classes to help reach this goal.

Michelle’s products include full-length, 12-week-long high school English classes that are each themed around non-fiction books. Using non-fiction books helps readers practice writing across different genres and brings in interdisciplinary approaches. It also helps students who may be more interested in non-fiction topics get fully engaged in writing classes. In each class, learners receive reading guides, informal writing prompts, writing and reading tips and activities, and four multi-draft long writing assignments that focus on the importance of revision and reflection to creating strong writing.