Handcrafting High School On the Road, Sinks Canyon, WY
Early in my relationship with Jim I had to establish a rule. We can only drive so far before stopping. Jim is one of those people who will drive as long as it takes until he gets there. He loves to drive places too. After a couple of trips like this, early in our relationship, I told him either he did a better job of stopping and enjoying the journey, or I would only go places with him if we flew there, so now we stop after a set amount of time. When we travel the amount of time I am willing to spend driving over the course of a day is four to six hours. When we are going somewhere there’s very few days I want to be in the car longer than that.
We woke up in the morning in Custer State Park and began driving toward Jackson, Wyoming. We weren’t sure where we would stay that night, but it wasn’t going to be in Jackson, because it was too far a drive. I began researching where to stay as we were driving. In the end we stayed at a lovely location. Sinks Canyon State Park is a small park nestled in the Wind River Mountains in Wyoming. It felt far removed from the situation we had been thinking about for the past 10 days. We didn’t focus on any sort of academics other than casual conversations about geology. We just hung out and communed with nature.

Check out our previous post from Custer State Park here.