Michael Wride, Ph.D.

Mike teaches on the Special Purpose Certificate in Academic Practice (SPCAP). He works in collaboration with Thapar University in India on academic staff development through the New Directions programme. Mike is also an adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Natural Sciences and is a visiting lecturer at Schumacher College, UK . Mike’s research interests lie in the areas of creativity in science education and transdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning. He is also interested in self- and peer-assessment. Mike holds a B.Sc. (Hons) Physiology and Biochemistry with Nutrition (Southampton University, 1990); PhD in Physiology (University of Alberta, 1996); UK Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (Cardiff University, 2007) and an M.Ed. (Hons) in University Teaching and Learning (University of Dublin, 2015). Mike is also a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy
Self- and Peer-Assessment for Enhancing Student Learning
Thursday, July 25, 2019
4:30-6:00pm EST
This seminar aims to introduce formative and summative self- and peer-assessment. It will discuss what meta learning is and how it can enhance student learning as well as the role of self-assessment in enhancing self-reflection. We will consider self- and peer-assessment as examples of meta-learning and discuss how to begin to develop and apply self and peer learning approaches in practice.