Kat Hutcheson
Kat Hutcheson earned her B.A. in Psychology and M.A. in Developmental Psychology specializing in both Birth through Age Five Cognitive Development and Child and Adolescent Behavioral Counseling from the University of South Florida. Kat is a well-known speaker and community leader. She works as a consultant helping parents create developmentally appropriate and academically-rich educational programs for young learners with a focus on neuro-diverse and gifted students with high academic needs. Kat has worked as the lead curriculum evaluator for the largest homeschool Charter School in California. She has looked at 10’s of thousands of pieces of curricular material and programs and has become a leading expert at vetting and reviewing curriculum and educational resources. As the COO of Secular, Eclectic, Academic (SEA) Homeschoolers she is responsible for organizing and implementing community outreach endeavors and building relationships with companies and individuals creating high-quality curricula and resources.
January 22, 2021
3:50pm EST/12:50pm PST
Homeschooling Preschool and Kindergarten
Join Kat Hutcheson and Joshua Jernigan for a casual conversation about homeschooling preschool and kindergarten. After a short overview of their homeschool journeys, we’ll head right into an extended Q&A. Bring all your questions about homeschooling young learners!
January 24, 2021
2:00pm EST/11:00am PST
Curriculum and Resource Q&A
Bring your curriculum questions! Curriculum developer, educator, and SEA Homeschoolers founder, Blair Lee, will join Kat Hutcheson, a leading expert at vetting and reviewing curriculum and educational resources, for this 30-minute open Q&A about curriculum and resources.