Blair Lee, MS

SEA Homeschoolers

Online Conference Series Speaker

Learn More About the Speakers!

Blair Lee, MS

Blair Lee, MS, is the founder of SEA Homeschoolers. She is a passionate advocate of innovative academics, where the focus is on how subjects are best learned. Through her speaking and writing, her goal is to empower home educators to dare to be innovative and create learning that is unique, academically-rich, and profound when handcrafting their students’ education.
Through SEA Publishing, Blair has authored Microbiology, The Science of Climate Change: A Hands-On Course, and co-authored Project-Based Learning: Creating a Modern Education of Curiosity, Innovation, and Impact. She is the primary author of the critically acclaimed REAL Science Odyssey Series from Pandia Press. She has been involved in science education for over two decades, first as a community college professor and then as a curriculum developer. Blair writes concept-rich, hands-on courses that include mainstream science, presenting the accepted facts, theories, and models as would be recommended by the majority of practicing experts in each field of science.a book focused on helping us teach our kids.

August 2024 Talks

blair lee, secular homeschool conference, homeschooling 101, SEA homeschoolers, how to homeschool 101

Friday, August 9th
12:30pm ET/9:30am PT

Homeschooling 101

The most profound part of homeschooling is the handcrafted journey that happens when an education is tailored for the individual. Doesn’t that sound like something worth providing for your child? But… How do you do it? How do you provide something that honors your learner and provides the important academic skills and knowledge they need? 

In this practical Homeschooling 101 workshop, Blair Lee will cover the basics of crafting a personalized education that ignites your child’s learning and empowers YOU. She will guide you through curriculum navigation, insights into who your child is as a learner, and essential startup tips to help you develop a clear roadmap for creating a thriving homeschool journey for your unique child. She will give you practical advice about what you REALLY need to get started.

This PDF accompanies the talk Homeschooling 101. It is for the convenience of those of you who like to take notes.

PDF: Homeschooling 101

Time & Date: To Be Determined

Blair Lee, Cognitive Science, Secular Homeschooling, Secular Homeschool Conference

What Cognitive Science Tells Us About How Learning Best Happens

Join Blair Lee for this informative session focused on the cognitive science of optimizing learning. The idea for this talk emerged as Blair was reading Natalie Wexler’s book, The Knowledge Gap. According to Wexler, teachers are often not taught the findings of cognitive science, and therefore are not teaching from the standpoint of best learning practices.

This sparked a deep-dive into cognitive science research, forming the foundation for this talk. Blair will share current research into how children learn, including information about cognitive load. She will translate these findings into practical advice to help you handcraft your child’s education, making it meaningful, engaging, and effective.

Key topics include:

Cognitive Science Principles: Find out how a multimodal approach and metacognition benefit learning. Blair will discuss how a recursive process of ‘spacing’ learning over time and providing worked examples or ‘scaffolds’ support problem-solving and the mastery of information.

Effective Learning Strategies: Blair will share evidence-based strategies that foster critical thinking, creativity, and a love of learning.

Real-World Applications: She will provide practical tips for creating a stimulating and supportive learning environment that meets the needs of diverse learners, including neurodivergent students.

Look for a PDF with slides coming in August.

Time & Date: To Be Determined

How to Homeschool Without Losing Your Mind Subtitle: Finding Balance

Drowning in lesson plans and laundry? Feeling like you’re failing despite giving it your all? Homeschooling can feel stressful, fueled by unfair expectations and the comparison trap. In this talk, discover how to break free from that cycle and build a joyful, sustainable homeschool journey for you and your child. Learn how to fairly evaluate your progress, reclaim your time and sanity, and empower yourself to create a thriving learning environment without sacrificing your well-being. Join Blair Lee for advice and information focused on unlocking the secrets to a homeschool experience that nourishes everyone, including you!

Look for a PDF with slides coming in August.

November 2024 Talks

Time & Date: To Be Determined

Educating Before, During, and After a Complex Concussion

A Personal Story

In 2011 and 2012, my son’s world changed. Two complex concussions led to a years-long struggle, testing our family’s resilience and forcing us to navigate the complexities of traumatic brain injury. The concussions impacted every aspect of his life, including his ability to learn and concentrate. Academic work that was once easy for him became mountains. He was plagued with intense headaches which made it challenging for him to think coherently. The path to recovery was paved not just with doctor’s visits but also with innovative learning strategies. Join Blair Lee as she shares this part of her family’s homeschooling journey.

Look for a PDF with slides coming in November.

Time & Date: To Be Determined

Cognitive Load: One of the Most Important Things to Consider When Homeschooling

Look for a PDF with slides coming in November.

blair lee, secular homeschool conference, homeschooling 101, SEA homeschoolers, choosing curricula

Saturday, June 8th
2:00pm ET/11:00am PT

A Learner-Centered Approach to Choosing Curriculum and Programs

One of the key benefits for homeschooled children is that their academic journey is handcrafted to honor who they are as learners. The hardest part of that is finding curriculum and programs that are the best fit for your student. Join Blair Lee as she walks you through the process of determining who your child is as a learner and how you can find materials that engage and motivate while helping to connect your child with their learning.

This PDF accompanies the talk A Learner-Centered Approach to Choosing Curriculum. It is for the convenience of those of you who like to take notes.

PDF: A Learner-Centered Approach to Choosing Curriculum

blair lee, secular homeschool conference, imposter syndrome, SEA homeschoolers

Sunday, June 9th
2:00pm ET/11:00am PT

Imposter Syndrome & Homeschooling

Homeschoolers have a dream of what their children’s education can look like that is personal, meaningful, and important. We want to get it “just” right. As we work to make that dream a reality, a lot of pieces must come together. We take on the roles of teacher, curriculum designer, and motivator. This can lead to imposter syndrome. Adults are not alone in this. Kids can have imposter syndrome too. The good news is that applying a growth mindset to imposter syndrome can help you overcome this stressor.

This popular talk has been updated with some new content.

This PDF accompanies the talk Imposter Syndrome. It is for the convenience of those of you who like to take notes.

PDF: Imposter Syndrome

SEA Homeschooling - Inspiration, Help, Resources, & Support

Whether you’re new to homeschooling or have been homeschooling for years, we’re here to support you and provide you with the resources you need to succeed! One way we do so is through our conference series, but we also have a wealth of other resources, including masterclasses, a free homeschoolers magazine, SEA book store, and more. Plus, our Facebook group is more than 100,000 families strong, and we’re confident that you’ll be able to connect with other homeschoolers who share your values! Join our secular homeschooling community today!