SEA Homeschoolers
Online Conference Series Speaker
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Camil Aponte Román
Neuroinclusive Educator & Prisma Learning Coach:
Neurodivergent (ADHDer and autistic), a student at heart and a geek, with more than 17 years of experience as an academic, educator, mentor, and curriculum developer at both university and school levels. From Puerto Rico, fully bilingual (English/Spanish). I use my experience as an educator, neurodivergent person, and parent of neurodivergent kids to help build a neuroinclusive society; this is why I became a Neuroinclusive Coach. My journey started as an undiagnosed neurodivergent child, navigating school, career, and parenthood. Not understanding my brain and lacking support made navigating a neurotypical world challenging. As we move through the different stages of life, our responsibilities, goals, and priorities shift, and strategies that work as a student might not work when you start a career or a family. I struggled with this firsthand when I realized that the systems I had in place that helped me succeed as a student were not the ones as a parent of neurodivergent children or in my career. This is why I’ve continued to learn and modify my toolbox to match the current needs and goals, and I would like to help you do the same. ADDCA AACC Certified (ADHD Coach Academy).
Connect with Camil Aponte Román at Harmonic Divergence
June 8, 2024
3:40pm ET/12:40pm PT
Neurodiversity: A Coach-Like Approach to Supporting Neurodivergent Learners
Join Camil Aponte Román to discuss a strength-based approach and practical tools for coaching your neurodivergent child.
SEA Homeschooling - Inspiration, Help, Resources, & Support
Whether you’re new to homeschooling or have been homeschooling for years, we’re here to support you and provide you with the resources you need to succeed! One way we do so is through our conference series, but we also have a wealth of other resources, including masterclasses, a free homeschoolers magazine, SEA book store, and more. Plus, our Facebook group is more than 100,000 families strong, and we’re confident that you’ll be able to connect with other homeschoolers who share your values! Join our secular homeschooling community today!