SEA Homeschoolers
Online Conference Series Speaker
Learn More About the Speakers!
Manisha Snoyer
Manisha Snoyer is a K12 teacher, tech entrepreneur, and founder of Teach Your Kids, a podcast and online homeschooling community that empowers families to play an active, informed role in their children’s education. It advocates for flexible, customized education that promotes whole child development. As a teacher, Manisha has worked with over 2000 children ages preK-12th grades in three countries, in public and private school environments, and with the homeschooling community. She also led School Closures, the largest network of organizations supporting families impacted by school closures, coordinating 300+ volunteers serving over 100,000 families. Manisha founded a non-profit during the pandemic, MasteryHour, which has been pivotal in offering free math tutoring to underserved youth. Manisha has been a passionate member of the SEA Homeschoolers group for five years and has learned so much from this community!
You can connect with Manisha Snoyer on her
November 5, 2023
3:40pm ET/12:40pm PT
How to Help Your Child with Math if You're Not a Math Person
Teaching our children math when we don’t think we’re good at it ourselves can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. There are so many wonderful tools and technologies that have emerged to support parents helping their children learn math, even if they have low math confidence themselves. In this workshop, seasoned K12 teacher and secular homeschooling expert Manisha Snoyer will debunk the myth that some people just “aren’t naturally good at math”, talk about techniques to learn math with your child (rather than teach them), address how to navigate learning math with different learning profiles including giftedness, autism and dyscalculia. We’ll talk about what to do when your child outpaces your own learning, or when you encounter particularly strong resistance to learning math. We’ll also share techniques for finding great tutors at any budget, including zero. Finally, we’ll explore some of the wonderful math curriculum and approaches available so parents can determine which is the best fit for their unique children. We’ll leave plenty of time for Q & A to address the needs of unique learners. This workshop is an extension of the article “How to Help Your Child with Math if You’re Not a Math Person” in the Fall 2023 issue of The SEA Homeschoolers Magazine.
SEA Homeschooling - Inspiration, Help, Resources, & Support
Whether you’re new to homeschooling or have been homeschooling for years, we’re here to support you and provide you with the resources you need to succeed! One way we do so is through our conference series, but we also have a wealth of other resources, including masterclasses, a free homeschoolers magazine, SEA book store, and more. Plus, our Facebook group is more than 100,000 families strong, and we’re confident that you’ll be able to connect with other homeschoolers who share your values! Join our secular homeschooling community today!