Measuring the Respiration of Sugars with Yeast Biology Lab by Blair Lee M.S.


Measuring the Respiration of Sugars with Yeast Biology Lab

An important topic learned in high school biology is cellular respiration. How do organisms get the energy they need to conduct the processes of life? This is an engaging, and effective, hands-on lab looking at the respiration of yeast in the presence of sugar. It uses written text, images, and a video to teach the four steps of cellular respiration. There is a series of questions woven into the text with an answer key at the end. This would be great paired with R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Biology 2 to make it a high school level course.

Measuring the Respiration of Sugars with Yeast Lab, Blair Lee, REAL Science Odyssey Biology 2, high school biology, biology lab


Measuring the Respiration of Sugars with Yeast Biology Lab an engaging hands-on lab for high school biology with RSO Biology 2.


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