Wes Beach

Wes Beach has 58 years’ experience in education. He spent 32 years in public and private schools as a teacher in grades K-14 and as the director of alternative education programs. In 1993 he wised up and left the public schools. He is currently Director of Beach High School, a private high school consisting of a home office and an attitude that offers a wide variety of alternatives to traditional schooling. More than 1,550 people have graduated from BHS without a traditional high school education and have succeeded in a wide variety of endeavors, including but not limited to reaching the highest levels of formal education. He is the author of “Forging Paths: Beyond Traditional Schooling” and “Self-Directed Learning: Documentation and Life Stories,” and he appears in the film “Self-Taught: Life Stories from Self-Directed Learners.”
Creating Transcripts from a Non-Traditional Education
Thursday, July 25, 2019
3:30-4:15pm EST
Wes Beach will show and explain how to write home-grown transcripts showing even the most unconventional “high-school” experiences that will be acceptable to employers, colleges, and universities. To get the most from this talk, download the two PDFs at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ruvdsbjcas6iwlz/AACCM4TTnEcP4h-W30y2FnqHa?dl=0