Valerie Grosso: Teaching Scientific Concepts to Younger Kids
Valerie will highlight some tips and strategies for teaching real (and super cool) scientific concepts to young kids. We are often told that certain concepts are “too tough for kids to understand,” but that is often because they are not being taught the right way. If a variety of visual, tactile, kinetic, and exploratory strategies are used to introduce concepts, there is no limit to the number of “higher level” concepts our kids can understand. Learn how to show kids that real science is about the joy of understanding how something beautiful works, and not just the process of taking three measurements and averaging.
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Valerie Grosso is a microbiologist who is curious about all the microscopic things that make up our world. She holds BS and PhD degrees from Yale and Harvard, respectively, and is a former college professor who is passionate about teaching science by making higher-level scientific concepts part of every kid’s life tool kit. She lives in New York City with her husband and two young daughters (who try out all the mini-courses) and spends her free time knitting and roaming around the American Museum of Natural History (not necessarily at the same time).