Teresa Foltin

Teresa Foltin has a Bachelor’s in English Literature and a Master’s in Student Affairs in Higher Education. Previously the Director of Student Activities at an American university in Germany, she is now a homeschooling mom of five. Her first two sons were adopted from Kazakhstan when they were 8 months and almost 2 years of age. Although she and her husband Martin only planned on adopting one child, they came home with two. A year later, their daughter was born on the older son’s third birthday. Needless to say, it was a good and crazy time in their life. Two more boys joined the family over the next six years.
Teresa travels across the US talking to parents and teachers, calming, encouraging, and exciting them about math education. She is interested in adoption, travel, horses, gardening, and reading. The Foltin family lives in Colorado on a small homestead with a menagerie of critters.
May 24, 2020
1:15pm EST
The Importance of Counting and Place Value
Should we have our children count everything? What happens when they run out of fingers? And how in the world do we use counting with four-digit addition? Listen to this presentation and learn effective and efficient ways to recognize quantities, understand place value, and master addition and subtraction.