SEA Homeschoolers Online Conference Series Vendor
Pandia Press offers secular homeschool science and history curricula that are organized, flexible, academic, and hands-on. From history read-alouds to building scientific models and model ziggurats, we organize and plan all the K-12 education resources you need to teach your child engaging science and history. We offer a generous “Try Before You Buy” downloadable sample of any course in our catalog so you can decide if a book or study guide is right for your family. All samples include the table of contents, resources lists, supply lists (where applicable), and several lessons to get you started.
R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey

Our REAL Science Odyssey series offers secular homeschool curricula that incorporates mathematics, scientific method, and science terminology at age-appropriate levels. REAL Science Odyssey strengthens analytical skills: Students create scientific models, compare results, form questions, and interpret data, just like REAL scientists! Created with the science novice in mind, you do not need a science background to teach REAL Science Odyssey. You’ll get a complete supply list, a suggested weekly schedule, answer keys, and easy-to-follow instructions for completing labs activities. The program is offered for two levels: Level One for elementary ages and Level Two for middle and high school and includes courses in: Life, Earth & Environment, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and Biology.
Each topic in Level One is presented in an entertaining story-like format, followed by hands-on activities, background science information, parent instructions, labs, reading lists, journaling ideas, and websites. Level Two courses bring science alive by engaging young people’s minds while they are actively participating in learning. The student text is written to the student so that they can learn independently. Teacher Guides are available for Level Two courses and are highly recommended.

For all ages, we offer The Stargazer’s Notebook: A Yearlong Study of the Night Sky.
This stargazers book is part stargazing journal and part astronomy lab, The Stargazer’s Notebook provides the ideal instruction manual, planner, journal, and cosmos laboratory for the astronomy student, amateur stargazer, and anyone else wanting to learn more about the stars, planets, and celestial objects that occupy our skies.

REAL Science Odyssey Live Virtual Vendor Session w/ Q&A
Sunday, June 12, 2022
1:50pm EDT/10:50am PDT

History Quest
History Quest is our series of elementary history curriculum for K-5 that uses storytelling and hands-on activities to capture your child’s imagination. With the right approach, an elementary history curriculum can be a rich, engaging, and immersive experience for young children. This program (chapter book plus study guide) offers captivating stories and engaging activities to help you bring the story of humankind to life. The curriculum consists of a read-aloud book, Study Guide, and audio books. The book uses History Hops, found at the end of each chapter, to send your child back in time to interact with people from the era they’ve just heard about in the chapter. History Hops engage your child’s imagination as they meet and learn from everyday folks, famous world leaders, and other characters from historic times. The Study Guide leads your student through each time period in history with step-by-step lessons. Bring history to life and learn by doing through activities like craft projects, art projects, cooking, and coloring.
We currently offer History Quest: Early Time, History Quest: Middle Times, and History Quest: United States. Modern History Bridge is a complete history curriculum that provides a bridge year between History Quest and our series for grade 6+, History Odyssey.

History Odyssey
History Odyssey is our series for children in grades 6+, with an advanced level specifically for high school. Transition your student to independent learning with minimal assistance from parent or teacher. Students learn information organization, literary analysis, research skills, and writing skills through reading some of the greatest literature for each time period. They’ll also learn outlining, timeline analysis, geography, and critical thinking through daily lessons with worksheets and blackline maps included.
There are four History Odyssey study guides available, each providing a full year history study, including Ancients, Middle Ages, Early Modern, and Modern. Although generally written for middle school-age children, many customers have successfully used History Odyssey courses for high school.