January 1-January 31 | | January Tween Book Club: The Last Unicorn 2021 | Ages 9-12 | Dr. Sabrina Weiss | $10-35 | Space Available |
January 11 - January 25 | | How Earth Got Its Shape | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | 6 Spots Left |
January 11 - April 26 | | Season 1 Elementary Science Series Bundle | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $285 | 6 Spots Left |
January 11-February 1 | | Fantasy Map-Making Workshop for Younger Learners Spring 2021 (Session 1) | Ages 6-9 | Samantha Matalone Cook, MAT | $100 | Space Available |
January 14 - January 28 | | What’s the Matter? | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | Class is Full |
January 14 - April 22 | | Season 2 Elementary Science Series Bundle | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $285 | Class is Full |
January 18 - April 26 | | Season 2 Elementary Science Series Bundle | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $285 | 3 Spots Left |
January 18 - February 1 | | What’s the Matter? | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | 3 Spots Left |
January 20-February 24 | | Befriending and Understanding Your Emotions (BeE) (Youth) | Ages 8-12 | Mary Martin, PhD | $125 | Space Available |
January 21-March 8 | | Heart And Soul: The Story of America and African Americans | Ages 6-9 | Alycia Wright, M.Ed. | $250 | Space Available |
February 1-February 28 | | February Tween Book Club: Esperanza Rising 2021 | Ages 9-12 | Dr. Michelle Parrinello-Cason | $10-35 | Space Available |
February 8-March 15 | | Advanced Fantasy Map-Making: World-Building (for Younger Learners): Session 1 | Ages 6-9 | Samantha Matalone Cook, MAT | $160 | Space Available |
February 11 February 25 | | From Molecules to Organisms | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | Class is Full |
February 11 - February 25 | | The Birds & the Bees & the Flowers & the Trees | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | 6 Spots Left |
February 15 - March 1 | | From Molecules to Organisms | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | 3 spots left |
March 1-March 31 | | March Tween Book Club: Drowned City: Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans 2021 | Ages 9-12 | Dr. Michelle Parrinello-Cason | $10-35 | Space Available |
March 11 - March 25 | | Let’s Work Smarter | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | Class is Full |
March 15 - March 29 | | Let’s Work Smarter | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | 3 spots left |
March 15 - March 29 | | The Birds & the Bees & the Flowers & the TreesThe Periodic Table | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | 6 Spots Left |
March 29-April 19 | | Fantasy Map-Making Workshop for Younger Learners Spring 2021 (Session 2) | Ages 6-9 | Samantha Matalone Cook, MAT | $100 | Space Available |
April 1-April 30 | | April Tween Book Club: Leviathan | April 9-12 | Dr. Sabrina Weiss | $10-35 | Space Available |
April 8 - April 22 | | The Earth & You: Resources, Hazards, Solutions | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | Class is Full |
April 11 - April 25 | | Topics in Astronomy | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | 6 Spots Left |
April 11 - April 25 | | The Earth & You: Resources, Hazards, Solutions | Ages 6 - 10 | Blair Lee, M.S. | $80 | 3 spots left |